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"I could not understand the instructor. His words were jumbled. She was screaming through the mic, and it hurt my ears."Has this happened to you? Have you ever found yourself saying or thinking these … read more


For years, athletes have been told to load up on carbs before events and guzzle energy beverages or glucose gel to fuel performance. But what if endurance wasn’t predominantly dependent on muscle-glyc … read more


Our Spinning® health experts have teamed up with Primal Kitchen to bring foodies healthy and delicious meals and desserts. We bring you this week's recipe for paleo mayo chocolate cupcakes courtesy of … read more


By Karyl SandsEvery time you start teaching at a new facility, you have the challenge of bringing more and more riders to your classes. Riders get comfortable with the instructors they have been going … read more


By Christina CastañedaSpinning® classes are great for creating events and raising awareness. Whether you are raising money for charity or supporting your business, having a huge space with bikes, musi … read more


Patrick Sims has not always been fit. Obesity and illness in his teenage years drove him to lose nearly 100lbs. and keep it off for a decade. In his time since losing weight, Patrick has charted a … read more


By Sabrina Fairchild, MAGreat Spinning® instructors have a variety of qualities and habits that encompass the Spinning philosophy. The traditional philosophy has been to provide a safe, non-competitiv … read more


It's finally starting to feel like spring (in most regions) with fresh and local produce in abundance. At Spinning®, we are celebrating green recipes, as well as our favorite green smoothies that pack … read more


Cross-training is a valuable tool for all athletes, especially those who engage exclusively in resistance training like weight lifting. Weight lifting produces a myriad of adaptations, including muscu … read more


By Karyl Sands As a new instructor, gaining knowledge and being confident with what you teach will help you offer the best class you can.Here are some tips to help you be successful with the classes y … read more


Oana Terteleac is growing the Spinning® program in Bucharest with power and heart! Oana joined the Spinning Master Instructor team in July of 2014, and her classes have become so popular that she has … read more


By June Y. ChuAfter living, working and teaching in Philadelphia for seven years, I found that I craved one thing in life—structure. I knew what time to wake up each day, how long it would take to get … read more