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By Christina Castañeda Being a single mother and teacher requires a warm and strong heart, but what happens when your biological heart is in jeopardy? The 2015 Go Red for Women® National Spokesperson, … read more


When it comes to attracting new members, understanding why people don’t exercise is just as important as understanding why they do. Identifying and addressing the barriers that keep potential members … read more


Mental training or mind/body training begins with an instructor’s personal development. As teachers and coaches, it’s important to train at a higher and deeper level than the level at which we are ins … read more


Spinning® workouts can be a useful tool for individuals seeking to improve mobility and overall fitness. And with more people spending long periods of time behind a desk or sitting in a car, engaging … read more


By Colleen K. Broersma, BS, CPT, Spinning® Master InstructorCan reflecting once a day keep the doctor away and improve performance as well? Mind body techniques to enhance physical performance are one … read more


It’s that time of year! On the first Sunday of every February, millions of Americans gather together to enjoy the Super Bowl. In celebration of America’s biggest unofficial holiday, we here at Spinnin … read more


Doing the same routine day in and day out can become boring for both Spinning® class instructors and students alike. We are constantly looking for new indoor cycling routines for instructors so we can … read more


By Linda Freeman, STAR 3 Certified Spinning® Instructor | VermontA physical community, like a neighborhood, may be a group of houses and perhaps even an association that connects the properties and oc … read more


By Linda Freeman, STAR 3 Certified Spinning® Instructor | VermontThere are a lot of notable Spinning® class benefits, but perhaps one of the best (and most commonly overlooked) is the fact that Spinni … read more


By June Chu, Certified Spinning® Instructor | New Hampshire, United States Take the quiz now for 1 SPIN® CECMotivation has been well researched by psychologists and still, as a fitness professional an … read more


By Wendy Moltrup, MS, CHES The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed new guidelines for the nutrition labels on packaged foods and drinks. Under the guidelines, most of America’s f … read more


By Ralph Mlady, Spinning® Master Instructor | Ohio Cycling cadence (cadence) refers to the number of times a bike rider turns the cranks per minute, also known as revolutions per minute (RPM). Cadence … read more