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By Steve Unger, Certified Spinning® InstructorYou’ve got your Spinning® certification and can’t wait to coach, motivate and inspire a room full of eager riders. But what happens when the room’s not fu … read more


By Michelle Colvin, Spinning® Master Instructor | United KingdomVO2 sounds complicated but it isn’t. ‘V’ stands for volume and ‘O2’ stands for oxygen. VO2 is the volume or amount of oxygen your body c … read more


Our Spinning® health experts have teamed up with Primal Kitchen to bring foodies healthy and delicious meals and desserts. We bring you this week's recipe for paleo kaleidoscope fries with rosemary ai … read more


By Dr. K.C. WilderPerformance in a Spinning® class is about combining training and trust to achieve your goals. Your riders should feel as challenged physically as they are engaged emotionally and men … read more


By Linda Freeman Goals have long been used as tools to support motivation and give the athlete and fitness enthusiast something to work toward, whether it’s for overall health or to record a personal … read more


Our Spinning® health experts have teamed up with Primal Kitchen to bring foodies healthy and delicious meals and desserts. We bring you this week's recipe for paleo spicy egg salad courtesy of George. … read more


If you’re looking for a quick, healthy lunch to use up leftover turkey, try this delicious cold salad. It’s packed with protein and healthy fats to keep you satisfied, and tangy Granny Smith apple, ce … read more


The best workout for weight loss begins during pregnancy with regular resistance training and gentle endurance exercise, both of which increase strength and stamina during labor and delivery and great … read more


Spinning® Master Instructor Peter Pastijn explains why endurance is an absolute must in our training, no matter what your goal is! Here is one of the most common questions I hear in my Spinning® … read more


Granola made with whole-grain oats gained popularity in the United States during the low-fat craze of the 1980s, when health-conscious consumers sought breakfast alternatives without the saturated fat … read more


[gallery columns="4" link="file" ids="3817,3821,3823,3828"]The Bella CollectionWe designed the Bella collection to address all female riders’ needs. Mix and match Bella Tanks, Shorts and Capris, avail … read more


If you want game day food that won’t leave you feeling as sluggish as an armchair quarterback, try these loaded paleo sweet potato fries. They have a perfect blend of flavors and textures and a high n … read more