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By Cori Parks, Certified Spinning® Instructor | CambodiaWith the hairpin twists and turns that “expertise” takes in the fitness industry, it is easy to get caught up in an enthusiastic wave of new thi … read more


By Colleen K. Broersma, BS, CPT, Spinning® MI As thunder boomed -lightning struck and passing semi-trucks pelted me with water, sand and gravel, I pedaled on. Terrified and singing at the top of my lu … read more


What is your favorite pre and/or post-workout meal?My favorite pre-workout meal is oatmeal/almond/plain yogurt and dark sweet cherries or bananas. My favorite post-workout meal is my homemade black be … read more


What is your favorite pre and/or post-workout meal?Pre-workout, it’s peanut butter oatmeal made with quick-cooking oats, light vanilla soy milk, creamy peanut butter, and cinammon.For post-workout, if … read more


By Cori ParksWhether you're a Spinning® instructor, facility manager or enthusiast, inspiration is the name of the game. But who is inspiring and how did they get there?Do you sometimes feel like you' … read more


When you use your gifts and mix them with your passion, then you have “a heart that changes people's lives.” Néstor Salinas Castillo, Spinning® Master Instructor and owner of NESMedia has proved this … read more


By Doug KatonaRealizing your potential—isn’t that what most of you want to accomplish through training? Chances are you’re trying to figure out the right formula to help squeeze in training with the r … read more


This month, we’re partnering with to bring awareness to DVT and explore why you should get moving in March. Last month, we celebrated American Heart Month, but there’s a … read more


By Lynda Wallenfels, Ultrafit Certified Coach Spring is the time of year when many athletes ramp up their training in order to prepare for races and events. However, as workouts get longer an … read more


By Helen M Ryan You know that feeling after your Spinning® class. You aren’t hungry at first. But then an hour or so after class, it starts…that gnawing feeling of hunger that nags at you inc … read more


By Maggie Winzeler of “I don’t have the time” is a common excuse that people use for not working out. In reality, though, we only have 24 hours each day, so the question becomes … read more


What is your favorite pre and/or post-workout meal?I love a cold-pressed green juice (cucumber, ginger, lemon, kale, etc.) or a banana with almond butter.What is your regimen for warming up before a r … read more