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Take our quiz now for 1 SPIN® CEC With every pedal stroke, a muscle hidden deep within your groin works to coordinate your movement. Although you cannot see it or even feel it externally, keeping this … read more


Doing the same routine day in and day out can become boring for both Spinning® class instructors and students alike. We are constantly looking for new indoor cycling routines for instructors so we can … read more


By Luciana Marcial-Vincion, Spinning® Master Instructor and Team Manager for the Global Spinning Master Instructor Team | South Carolina, United StatesGo! Push it! Feel it! You can do it! C’mon! Whooh … read more


Dave Buzanko was 40 years old and weighed 220 pounds. While supporting a family of four by working late factory shifts and running his own side business, the only exercise he could seem to fit in was … read more


Discover how two Spinning® MIs from Chile took on a field of nearly 1,500 riders and—with the help of their indoor cycling training—came out on top! The Gran Fondo New York started as a century … read more


By Linda Freeman, Star 3 Certified Spinning® InstructorWhat we learn in the studio, we take to the road; what we learn on the road, we take to the studio.My students tell me that they diligently train … read more


By Michelle Colvin, International Spinning® Master Instructor-UKSo Flats are EZ?Some riders think a flat road is either easy or boring. But if you're not conditioned for it, cycling on endless flat ro … read more


When riders ask, “how many calories can I burn during Spinning® class?” as a Certified SpinPower® Instructor, you’re not guessing anymore. You can give a precise calculation by using watts as an accur … read more


Seasonal Summer Recipes: Easy to Prep and Delightfully NutritiousWith fresh peaches, berries and watermelon in season, try these cool and crunchy recipes for your barbecue or picnic to make the most o … read more


When Spinner® Bikes Meet Road BikesBy Linda Freeman, Star 3 Certified Spinning® Instructor“It’s a fixed rate flywheel,” we tell our new students, “and you can’t coast.” We can do our best to replicate … read more


How Spinning® Classes Helped to Build a CommunityBy Linda Freeman, Star 3 Certified Spinning® InstructorSpinning® training is cycling training. Time spent on a Spinner® enables students to transfer sk … read more


Michelle Colvin, International Spinning® Master Instructor (UK) Jumps on a Hill mimics three “real road” riding techniques: To work your way around a hairpin or switchback curve up a mountain road. To … read more