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How to Train Hard & Smart It’s important to remember that regardless of workout format, an individual can control the effort level of his or her workout by monitoring their heart rate. The beaut … read more


Learn how to power charge your training with these healthy eating tips from the best in the business - The  Spinning® Master Instructor team. Breakfast Jodi Mair, Jamaica Power Br … read more


It’s February, the month known for heart-shaped candies, romantic love letters and, most importantly, reminding us to focus on the health of the organ that keeps our bodies churning 24/7, 365 days a y … read more


By Kate Amos After posting the Cyclists’ Glossary last June, we here at Spinning® wanted to share a few more terms for you to recognize on the road or in your Spinning classes.Burn a Match (verb): … read more


Ralph Mlady has used the Spinning® program to train indoors when the weather in Northeast Ohio doesn't cooperate.  He joined the Master Instructor team in 2007 due to an overwhelm … read more


The first time she taught a class of students, it was so intense the police were called. Don’t worry - no one was hurt.  No one got in trouble.  And who can blame her?  Polona Gos … read more


What inspired you to become a Certified Spinning® Instructor and then a Master Instructor?I started cycling when I was 17. I spent my first college scholarship on a new road bike, a white Peugeot, it … read more


In recent years, muscle endurance training has suffered the same criticisms as steady-state cardio exercise in the mainstream press. With the mantra “go big or go home” ringing in our ears every ti … read more


Spinning® rides are happening all over the globe—in the most unlikely places. Each event is bigger than the next, whether the rides are for charity or for building the community, each successful ri … read more


By Jenna Corbin, MS, RD, LD, CSSD, CLT, PES, CES The food we eat is supposed to nourish our bodies and make us feel content and energized. Why is it that food sometimes causes pain, fatigue, nausea … read more


No matter how cautious you are, the risk of injury is always present when training your clients. From trip-and-fall risks, to personal injury, bodily injury or sexual harassment claims, having the … read more


By Jenna Corbin, MS, RD, LD, CSSD, CLT, PES, CES “It’s best to eat three square meals a day. No, six smaller, more frequent meals are the way to go.”  “Don’t bother working out if you don’ … read more