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Before Spinning® Class If you’re going to your first Spinning® class, plan to arrive early to meet your Certified Spinning® Instructor and let them know it's your first time. They'll happily show yo … read more


Image courtesy of Certified Spinning® Instructor, Fatima Batook shares the importance of a "mental warm up" and how to mentally wind down after a tough workout. Find out more … read more


A cavalier attitude toward indoor cycling (or any exercise for that manner) can have serious consequences for new riders. No, they’re not going to get struck by a car or fly head over handlebars; h … read more


By Megan do NascimentoI waited the week of Thanksgiving for the call from my radiologist. I just finished the Spinning® classes that I regularly teach at a female correctional facility in Philadelp … read more


What makes Spinning® such a great workout? It can meet you wherever you are each and every day—we are different every day and bring something unique into that room for every ride. Spinning will just … read more


By Chere Lucett  When you hit the gym, studio, or whatever workout facility you go to, you don’t want to waste time (and energy) warming up. You’d rather jump in cold and get a move on, rig … read more


By Kate Amos We all know about the importance of exercise for physical and mental health, but it can be enormously difficult to put on those cycling or running shoes day after day, year aft … read more


Special events are the perfect complement for the holidays. Find out how to host a special Spinning® training, event or themed ride at your studio this season. Holidays are about more than just gi … read more


Pedro has been a Spinning® Master Instructor since 2004 when he attended his Master Camp in Rimini, Italy. He has been a pioneer of the discipline in his home country, Venezuela. He h … read more


Angie first started taking Spinning® classes as a means to train for cycling performance during the winter months. She was planning to open a cycling performance studio, so she started checking out … read more


Elizabeth or "Lizzy" Hoffman, has been fascinated by movement her entire life. In her teenage years, she was professionally trained in ballet and modern dance and traveled abr … read more


My favorite time of day to teach is in the evenings. A perfect day for me is being filled with many hard miles on my road bike, tons of sun, great coffee, and hanging with my amazing wife on t … read more