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A Master Instructor for the Spinning® program, AFAA & Isat Certified Fitness Instructor and 12 year veteran in the Fitness Industry.Puracelia holds a bachelor degree in Physical Education.She is … read more


UPDATED: September 7, 2021.Long summer days that include scenic bike rides and additional hours of sunlight are something even the most casual cyclists among you can appreciate. However, as summer c … read more


Lynn Taylor has over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry and is an avid road cyclist and Spinning® Master Instructor for the past 14 years in Doylestown, PA.She is a c … read more


As the Spinning® program continues to grow in popularity, instructors are continually challenged to reach students with wide-ranging backgrounds and experience levels. Whether they are roadies, … read more


We take a look at aqua-cycling, answer a few questions, and see if this new format is effective for ourselves and our students. Hey, it's summer! It sure is! What are some wor … read more


Peter Yeoman has been in the fitness industry for over 20 years. He is a competitive cyclist, a registered personal trainer and a Human Sports Master Trainer.Peter has lectured in Sport and Recre … read more


Top your chicken, fish, or dip your veggies, a great sauce makes the meal!Avocado Sauce Whether you add cream, yogurt or Dijon mustard, what’s great about making avocado sauces is that you don’t … read more


Lorey Pro’s last name reflects her ambition and drive as not only a Master Instructor, but as an individual who wants to share the “empowerment of accomplishment.” It makes one think twice about prede … read more


It's finally spring with fresh and local produce in abundance. At Spinning®, we are celebrating green recipes, as well as the most underrated and hidden green foods that pack a ton of perks for you … read more


If you’ve contemplated becoming a Spinning® instructor and participating in our comprehensive one-day workshop but haven’t taken the plunge, now is the time. Led by a Spinning Master Instructor, … read more


When you climb onto the saddle of your Spinner® bike, you want to pedal until your body says stop. Having the proper workout attire allows you to focus on your performance, reducing the impact of c … read more


Talk to any fitness enthusiast, and you can guarantee that a “Spin® class” is a big part of their fitness repertoire. And it’s easy to see why; combining a heart-pounding workout with the camaraderie … read more