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By Jenna Corbin, MS, RD, LD, CSSD, CLT, PES, CES “It’s best to eat three square meals a day. No, six smaller, more frequent meals are the way to go.”  “Don’t bother working out if you don’ … read more


This year’s WSSC (June 1-3, 2018) is shaping up to be our best year yet. Find out why with this list of six brand new sessions, special trainings and presenters that are unique to this year’s event. … read more


Explore our brand new workshop designed to build strength and stamina in the SPINPower® program. Then take a quiz on the importance of power worth 1 CEC! To improve wellness, fitness and performanc … read more


By Melinda MassieIn a recent Spinning® class, I asked my riders to visualize freeing themselves in class, to expose themselves to whatever might come their way. Spinning workouts give you the uniqu … read more


What is your favorite pre and/or post-workout meal? I LOVE Clifshot Bloks as a really quick pre-workout snack. If I teach early in the morning, I eat banana about 45 minutes before class. If I a … read more


Congratulations on becoming a Certified Spinning® Instructor! If you are one of the thousands of fitness professionals who have earned your certification through our live or online training, you now h … read more


Even though the Spinning® program has given me a deep appreciation for the sport of cycling, all my rides are indoors on a Spinner® bike. My reluctance to get out on the asphalt has much to do with a … read more


By Jenna Corbin, MS, RD, LD, CSSD, CLT, PES, CESProtein Powder in the Bigger PictureTake the quiz now for 1 SPIN® CEC Protein powder supplementation has been a common practice in the fitn … read more


By Barbara Hoots, Star 3 Instructor and Spinning® Studio Designer Have you ever met someone and liked them instantly? You can’t explain why, but you immediately felt an emotional bond, a genuine … read more


By Caroline Dawson, Spinning® Master Instructor The music is pumping, the lights are dim and the energy is high. Your class is about to finish and your riders are working hard to give it their al … read more


As the Spinning® program continues to grow in popularity, instructors are continually challenged to reach students with wide-ranging backgrounds and experience levels. Whether they are roadies, … read more


Talk to any fitness enthusiast, and you can guarantee that a “Spin® class” is a big part of their fitness repertoire. And it’s easy to see why; combining a heart-pounding workout with the camaraderie … read more