
Spin® Life Blog

​Let’s Do This! Harmony: A Spinning® Experience

​Let’s Do This! Harmony: A Spinning® Experience

Posted by Spinning® on Jun 3rd 2021

While we can’t be together in person for the World Spinning® & Sports Conference (WSSC) this year, we will be covering some hard-core terrain on Sunday, June 6th to feel, live and breathe the harmony of our global Spinning® community again. And we want YOU to join us! Be prepared to tap into that global harmony as Master Instructors Josh Taylor (USA), Rodrigo Vilches (Chile) and Angela Amedio (USA) bring you a ride that you won’t forget.

Harmony: A Spinning® Experience is a free virtual ride, livestreamed from our studio HQ in Venice, CA. Tune in on Sunday, June 6th at 9 AM Pacific / 12 PM Eastern / 6 PM Central European Time.

And that’s not all! In honor of WSSC, we’ve also stocked up our Spinning® Digital offerings with two new ride collections:

Skills & Drills with former pro cyclist Josh Taylor is a collection of training rides that each focus on a targeted skill so riders can improve their technique and performance with every workout.

Viva la Vida Spinning® with Eva Garcia is a collection of rides for our Spanish and Latinx communities.

Sign up now and you’ll have free access to Skills & Drills and Viva la Vida Spinning® from June 1-6, PLUS Harmony: A Spinning® Experience on June 6th.

Finally, to get you pumped up for Sunday’s Harmony: A Spinning® Experience, some special voices from our Spinning® community chime in together to rave about the upcoming event in the video below. Drumroll, please…