Quick Course: How Much Is Too Much? The 10 Most Common Overuse Injuries
Score: 5 of 5
(Based on 1 ratings)
Enjoyed this class, very informative. Will incorporate this info for my classes.
{"description":"<p>How much is too much? How do we know when to push forward and when to pull back? Often, it comes in the form of overuse injuries, which occur when the body is too taxed and does not have adequate time for recovery. So how do we prevent this? Find out what the 10 most common overuse injuries are, and learn 10 tips on how to prevent them.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\"><b>Continuing Education Credit:<\/b><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul type=\"disc\">\r\n <li class=\"MsoNormal\">1.0\r\n SPIN\u00ae CEC<\/li>\r\n<\/ul><p><br><\/p><p><a href=\"https:\/\/spinning.com\/order-faqs\/\">Cancellation Policy<\/a><br><\/p>","instructor":false,"benefits":false,"contact_number":false,"manual":false,"manual_text":"","red_bar":"Quick Course: How Much Is Too Much? The 10 Most Common Overuse Injuries","location":false,"time_zone":false,"start_time":false,"end_time":false,"date":false,"location_time":"<span class=\"training-title\">Online Learning<\/span>"}