Spin® Profiles Kit with Danielle Foster
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{"description":"<div class=\"OutlineElement Ltr SCXW183152437 BCX4\"><p class=\"Paragraph SCXW183152437 BCX4\" paraid=\"1618275292\" paraeid=\"{9f7c0902-d911-459e-a5b7-505369264d6d}{186}\">We are pleased to offer you a new take on Spin\u00ae Profiles! You may be accustomed to a downloadable PDF bundle of four profiles \u2013 yet this month, you gain access to a Spin\u00ae Profiles Kit on SpinU with four class profiles; each with detailed cueing tips and playlists, as well as an inspirational audio message from profile creator Spinning\u00ae Master Instructor Danielle Foster from Ohio. <b>Zone Creep<\/b> is a long interval ride, which can throw the kitchen sink at the rider! Get ready, this ride has it all. In <b>Speedy Strength Hill Repeats<\/b>, you\u2019ll work on climbing a little farther, a little faster. <b>Aerobic Ceiling\/Aerobic Floor Minutes Workou<\/b>t is an all-aerobic effort exploring one\u2019s aerobic range from just above the warmup to just below threshold. In <b>90-Second Team Pulls<\/b>, the instructor divides the riders into two teams, and each team will ride their 90 second \u2019best\u2019 or Peak Power Value. Game on! <b>*IF YOU ARE A SPIN\u00ae MEMBER, LOG INTO YOUR SPINU ACCOUNT AND CLICK ON \"MY COURSES\" TO ACCESS THE KIT FOR FREE. \u00a0<\/b><\/p><\/div>","instructor":false,"benefits":false,"contact_number":false,"manual":false,"manual_text":"","red_bar":"Spin\u00ae Profiles Kit with Danielle Foster","location":false,"time_zone":false,"start_time":false,"end_time":false,"date":false,"location_time":"<span class=\"training-title\">Online Learning<\/span>"}