{"description":"<p>As Spinning\u00ae instructors, the first thing we need to ask ourselves is this: Do we just want our students to sweat or do we want to help them reach training goals? The answer is, of course, the latter option. The tricky \u2013 and less obvious \u2013 question is how you can help them reach their goals. A tried-and-true place to start is by applying to the goal-oriented principles of the Spinning Energy Zones\u2122 with the use of heart rate monitors.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\"><b>Continuing Education Credit:<\/b><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul type=\"disc\">\r\n <li class=\"MsoNormal\">1.0\r\n SPIN\u00ae CEC<\/li>\r\n<\/ul><p><br><\/p><p><a href=\"https:\/\/spinning.com\/order-faqs\/\">Cancellation Policy<\/a><br><\/p>","instructor":false,"benefits":false,"contact_number":false,"manual":false,"manual_text":"","red_bar":"Quick Course: Energy Zones\u00ae 101","location":false,"time_zone":false,"start_time":false,"end_time":false,"date":false,"location_time":"<span class=\"training-title\">Online Learning<\/span>"}