Let's Jump! Virtual Workshop - September 25, 2024
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{"description":"<b>Location:<\/b> Online<br \/><b>Date and Time:<\/b> September 25, 2024 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT<br \/><b>Description:<\/b> <p class=\"\"><b>Let's Jump! Virtual Workshop<br><\/b><\/p><p>This workshop explores and defines the various Jumps techniques in the Spinning program. Technique discussions center on higher cadence Jumps along the flat roads and strongly-loaded Jumps in the hills. Other key performance areas covered in this workshop include counting, rhythm stroke strategies and resistance loading. <b><u>A bike is not required to take this virtual workshop, but it is highly recommended!<\/u><\/b><\/p><p><b>Your registration includes:<\/b><\/p><ul><li>Digital Study Guide<\/li><li>2-hour virtual workshop via Zoom with a Spinning\u00ae Master Instructor which includes lecture and a ride<\/li><\/ul><p class=\"MsoNormal\"><b>Continuing Education Credit:<\/b><\/p><ul><li>3.0 SPIN\u00ae CECs<\/li><li>0.2 ACE<\/li><li>2.0 AFAA<\/li><\/ul>","instructor":false,"benefits":false,"contact_number":false,"manual":false,"manual_text":"","red_bar":"Let's Jump! Virtual Workshop - September 25, 2024","location":"United+States","time_zone":"EDT","start_time":"6:00 PM","end_time":"8:00 PM","date":"September 25, 2024","location_time":"<span class=\"training-title\">Let's Jump! Virtual Workshop - September 25, 2024<\/span>\n<p class=\"address\">United States<\/p>\n<span class=\"date-formatted\">September 25, 2024<\/span>\n<span class=\"time\">6:00 PM - 8:00 PM<\/span>\n<p class=\"contact-info\">Contact : <br><\/p>"}