Creative Climbs Virtual Workshop - November 20, 2024
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{"description":"<b>Location:<\/b> Online<br \/><b>Date and Time:<\/b> November 20, 2024 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT<br \/><b>Description:<\/b> <p>While climbs can be among the most difficult elements of a ride, they can also be the most rewarding\u2014there\u2019s nothing quite like the feeling of reaching the top of a tough climb. Climbs are popular in the Spinning\u00ae program because participants love to feel the intensity of a heavily-loaded effort. This workshop will identify, detail and demonstrate several strategies for presenting efficient, safe and fun climbing activities in your classes. Although climbs are often performed in the Strength Energy Zone\u00ae, this is not an Energy-Zone specific workshop\u2014the techniques discussed here can be applied across many class formats. <b><u>A bike is not required to take this virtual workshop, but it is highly recommended!<\/u><\/b><\/p><p><b>Your registration includes:<\/b><\/p><ul><li>Digital Study Guide<\/li><li>2-hour virtual workshop via Zoom with a Spinning\u00ae Master Instructor which includes lecture and a ride<\/li><\/ul><p class=\"MsoNormal\"><b>Continuing Education Credit:<\/b><\/p><ul><li>3.0 SPIN\u00ae CECs<\/li><li>0.2 ACE<\/li><li>2.0 AFAA<\/li><\/ul>","instructor":false,"benefits":false,"contact_number":false,"manual":false,"manual_text":"","red_bar":"Creative Climbs Virtual Workshop - November 20, 2024","location":"United+States","time_zone":"EDT","start_time":"6:00 PM","end_time":"8:00 PM","date":"November 20, 2024","location_time":"<span class=\"training-title\">Creative Climbs Virtual Workshop - November 20, 2024<\/span>\n<p class=\"address\">United States<\/p>\n<span class=\"date-formatted\">November 20, 2024<\/span>\n<span class=\"time\">6:00 PM - 8:00 PM<\/span>\n<p class=\"contact-info\">Contact : <br><\/p>"}