{"shipping_notes":"","specs":"","warranty":"","short":"SPINPower\u00ae Manual","benefits":"","benefits_tab":false,"product_comparison":false,"options":false,"size_chart":false,"description":"<p>Add this SPINPower® Instructor Manual to your fitness resource library if you have completed the online SPINPower® Instructor Certification and would like to have a physical manual in addition to your digital copy.<p><b>This comprehensive, official resource for the SPINPower® Instructor Certification Program includes:<\/b><br><\/p><div><ul><li>The benefits of power-based training, and how it relates to heart rate training and other measures of intensity<\/li><li>How Spinner® bikes measure actual power and convey accurate, not estimated caloric expenditure<\/li><li>The science of training with power, including energy systems and physiological principles<\/li><li>Targeted training, working with zones, and how to conduct ramp tests to identify Personal Spinning® Threshold (PST)<\/li><li>Creating and coaching power-based rides with new terminology and powerful cues<\/li><li>And much more!<\/li><\/ul><p>116-pages, full color, with a 3-ring binder<br>Shipping and handling extra. US and Canada ONLY.<\/p><\/div>\r\n\t<\/ul>\r\n<br \/>SKU: EDKIT:SPINPOWER","show_options":false}