SPIN® Profiles - July 2022
Score: 5 of 5
(Based on 1 ratings)
Very satisfied with everything.
{"shipping_notes":"","specs":"","warranty":"","short":"This past spring, a fun-packed, education-filled Spinning® event was held in Blackpool, UK called PROS:2022. We’re thrilled that five of the presenters have shared their ride profiles for this month’s bonus profile bundle! CATCH YOUR FIRE by Tracy Ross is inspired by the Hunger Games Trilogy. In CONFLUENCE by Helen Farrow, we find out what happens when two rivers merge at the Confluence in France. TIME 2 SHINE by Delys Poynton gives you the chance to rise and shine during challenging progressive intervals. TIP OF THE ICEBERG by Pru Comben is a reminder that the fitness success you achieve is the tip of the iceberg, but there’s a whole lot of training underneath the surface! EUPHORIA by Wayne Marshall is a strength ride powered by a playlist of the most euphoric trance anthems that will drive you on and bring out your best. Get ready because these rides are incredibly inspirational!","benefits":"","benefits_tab":false,"product_comparison":false,"options":false,"size_chart":false,"description":"<h4>Introducing SPIN Profile Packs:<\/h4><p>Stuck for ideas in your Spinning® classes? SPIN® Profiles are the perfect solution for ready-made classes that will energize and amp-up your riders. Created by Spinning® Master Instructors, SPIN® profiles will help you to discover new music, learn new coaching cues, and get inspired by themes and journey rides from the global MI Team. You’ll always have fresh ideas for your classes, whether you lead the rides exactly as written or blend in elements of your own. Plus, as you build your library of songs and profiles you can revisit your favorites and even mix and match to change things up.<\/p><p>As a SPIN® member, you receive these four SPIN® profiles every month for free. Now it’s easy to access them – just login to your SPIN® account, add them to your cart, and you’ll notice the price resets to $0.00.</p><p>If you’re not a SPIN® member, you can purchase these ready-made profiles right now by adding them to your cart. Or <a href=https://spinning.com/spin-membership-e-kit/>consider becoming a SPIN® member</a> to take advantage of these complementary profiles every month!</p>\r\n<h4>Digital Download:<\/h4>\r\n<p>No need to ship - download it immediately. Each pack contains 4 SPIN® Profiles (.pdf format). After purchasing, you will receive an email with a link to download this pack.<\/p>\r\n<h4>Features:<\/h4>\r\n<p>All 4 Spin® Profiles Created by a Spinning® Master Instructor include:</p><ul>\r\n<li>Class description with training objectives<\/li>\r\n<li>Easy-to-follow guide to the timing, movements, cadence and intensity<\/li>\r\n<li>Sample cues to use for technique, motivation and metrics<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<br \/>","show_options":false}