{"description":"<b>Location:<\/b> Online<br \/><b>Date and Time:<\/b> December 20, 2024 - 12:00pm - 4:00pm EST<br \/><b>Description:<\/b> <p>Spinning\u00ae Instructor Certification\u2014the most comprehensive and widely recognized indoor cycling training program on the planet. This comprehensive, blended-learning course will give you all the hands-on tools you need to become a certified Spinning\u00ae instructor and lead your own classes in any of the 35,000+ Official Spinning\u00ae Facilities worldwide. Certification is achieved after attending the training day and passing the online assessment within 30 days. <b><u>A bike is not required to take this certification, but it is highly recommended!<\/u><\/b><br><\/p><p>You will learn how to:<br><\/p><div><ul><li>Find the appropriate bike fit settings for yourself and others<\/li><li>Ride with optimal technique for safety and performance<\/li><li>Understand and use metrics like heart rate, cadence and power<\/li><li>Deliver cues that motivate and coach riders to get results<\/li><li>Lead a class using predesigned Spinning\u00ae class profiles<\/li><li>Create your own classes based on ride type or training goals<\/li><li>Choose songs and create playlists that complement the terrain, intensity and rhythm of your profile<\/li><\/ul><\/div><p><b>Your registration includes:<\/b><br><\/p><ul><li>Digital Spinning\u00ae Instructor Manual<\/li><li>Digital Study Guide<\/li><li>Digital video libraries covering bike setup, safety, riding technique and more<\/li><li>4-hour online workshop via Zoom covering a mix of exercise science and practical skills<\/li><li>Two Master Instructor rides<\/li><li>Spinning<sup>\u00ae<\/sup> Instructor Certification valid for 2 years (upon successful completion of the course and exam)<\/li><li>A wide variety of continuing education options for <a href=\"https:\/\/spinning.com\/instructors\/education\/certification-renewal\/\">certification renewal<\/a><\/li><li>Eligibility to join the SPIN\u00ae membership program with access to free monthly profiles and playlists, on-demand videos to build your skills, discounts on all things Spinning<sup>\u00ae<\/sup> and more!<\/li><\/ul><p><strong>Note: <\/strong><a href=\"http:\/\/www.spinning.com\/en\/webshop\/products\/18\/heart_rate_monitors\" target=\"_blank\">Heart Rate Monitor strongly recommended<\/a><br><\/p><p class=\"MsoNormal\"><b>Continuing Education Credit:<\/b><\/p><ul><li>0.8 ACE<\/li><li>0.8 NASM<\/li><li>8.0 AFAA<\/li><\/ul><p><br><\/p><p><a href=\"https:\/\/spinning.com\/order-faqs\/\">Cancellation Policy<\/a><br><\/p>","instructor":false,"benefits":false,"contact_number":false,"manual":false,"manual_text":"","red_bar":"Virtual Spinning\u00ae Instructor Certification - December 20, 2024","location":"United+States","time_zone":"EST","start_time":"12:00 PM","end_time":"4:00 PM","date":"December 20, 2024","location_time":"<span class=\"training-title\">Virtual Spinning\u00ae Instructor Certification - December 20, 2024<\/span>\n<p class=\"address\">United States<\/p>\n<span class=\"date-formatted\">December 20, 2024<\/span>\n<span class=\"time\">12:00 PM - 4:00 PM<\/span>\n<p class=\"contact-info\">Contact : <br><\/p>"}