I was really looking forward to using this for my Spinning Class but it was from 2007 and not what I expected. I will incorporate some of the instrumental tracks into my playlist that require fast BPM. Unless I'm missing something all the tracks on this CD are fast paced and hard to use on hill climbs at Cadence 60 - 80 RPM. I'm a new Spinning Instructor and really trying to represent my certification from Spinning in excellence and with inspiration in sticking to the program so I bought this with that in mind but I'm disappointed, so I'm back to using my Amazon Music to find uplifting music that's clean. One suggestion is to put the year of the CD's which will help fellow instructiors make a more informed decision on purchases. Thank you greatly and God Bless you.
{"shipping_notes":"","specs":"<div id=\"warranty-specs\">\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-sm-7\">\n <div class=\"warranty-specs--content\">\n E. Nencioni<\/td> <td>6:31<\/td> <td>98 BPM<\/td> <\/tr><tr><td align=\"\"center\"\">3<\/td> <td>Supershake<\/td> <td>G. Godi\n <\/div>\n\n \n <\/div>\n \n <\/div>\n<\/div>","warranty":"","short":"CD volume 14 begs your students' legs to pedal and includes assorted Spinning class profiles.","benefits":"","benefits_tab":false,"product_comparison":false,"options":false,"size_chart":false,"description":"<p>CD volume 14 begs your students' legs to pedal and includes assorted Spinning class profiles.<\/p>\r\n<div style=\"height: 40px;\"> <\/div>\r\n<table border=\"\" cellspacing=\"\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr class=\"\">\r\n<td width=\"\">Track Number<\/td>\r\n<td>Song Name<\/td>\r\n<td>Artist<\/td>\r\n<td>Time<\/td>\r\n<td>BPM<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"\">1<\/td>\r\n<td>A window in Rio<\/td>\r\n<td>G. Godi<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n<\/tbody>\r\n<\/table><br \/>SKU: 7214","show_options":false}