Music, Movement, Motivation Virtual Workshop - February 12, 2025
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{"description":"<b>Location:<\/b> Online<br \/><b>Date and Time:<\/b> February 12, 2025 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm EST<br \/><b>Description:<\/b> <p class=\"\"><b>Music, Movement, Motivation Virtual Workshop<br><\/b><\/p><p>Music is a powerful class element you can use to enhance the rider's experience \u2014 make your class more than just another ride. Learn to correlate music and rhythm with movement to elicit an emotional response. <b><u>A bike is not required to take this virtual workshop, but it is highly recommended!<\/u><\/b><\/p><p><b>Your registration includes:<\/b><\/p><ul><li>Digital Study Guide<\/li><li>2-hour virtual workshop via Zoom with a Spinning\u00ae Master Instructor which includes lecture and a ride<\/li><\/ul><p class=\"MsoNormal\"><b>Continuing Education Credit:<\/b><\/p><ul><li>3.0 SPIN\u00ae CECs<\/li><li>0.2 ACE<\/li><li>2.0 AFAA<\/li><\/ul>","instructor":false,"benefits":false,"contact_number":false,"manual":false,"manual_text":"","red_bar":"Music, Movement, Motivation Virtual Workshop - February 12, 2025","location":"United+States","time_zone":"EST","start_time":"6:00 PM","end_time":"8:00 PM","date":"February 12, 2025","location_time":"<span class=\"training-title\">Music, Movement, Motivation Virtual Workshop - February 12, 2025<\/span>\n<p class=\"address\">United States<\/p>\n<span class=\"date-formatted\">February 12, 2025<\/span>\n<span class=\"time\">6:00 PM - 8:00 PM<\/span>\n<p class=\"contact-info\">Contact : <br><\/p>"}