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Ride with SPINPower®, Ride with Science
Gyms & Studios

Ride with SPINPower®, Ride with Science

We believe that one of the best ways you can take your Spinning® career to the next level is through the metric-driven and goal-oriented gains of SPINPower® training. Undeniably, training with powe...

InstructorsCore Training for the Spinning® Program

Core Training for the Spinning® Program

Once fitness instructors and club members discovered that strengthening and stabilizing the body's core is a key component of fitness, the core training scene blew up. And now – with a bit more tim...

RidersHow to Fortify a “Clean Workout”

How to Fortify a “Clean Workout”

There’s a lot about the average gym or studio that conjures a teeming haven for germs, viruses and bacteria – frequently touched machinery and sweaty bodies in close proximity.Due to the Coronavi...

RidersEnergy Shortage? Find A Spark With These 7 Energy-Boosting Tips! - Spinning

Energy Shortage? Find A Spark With These 7 Energy-Boosting Tips!

As seasons change and days get shorter, you may be a victim of hidden energy zappers. Discover how to get that daily energy back! Have you felt like you lost a spring in your step? Do you feel do...

RidersIs Climbing Making My Legs Bigger?

Is Climbing Making My Legs Bigger?

We answer one of the biggest questions in indoor cycling: is it making your legs bigger? A Spinning® Master Instructor looks into the science behind this myth. One of the most frequently asked qu...

Gyms & StudiosGet Ready to Ride: Bike Setup

Get Ready to Ride: Bike Setup

Proper bike setup matters! For brand new riders that hop on the bike, begin pedaling, and start feeling discomfort in knees, ankles or back, incorrect bike setup is the likely culprit. The right bi...

RidersSpinning® Class Kit: What You Need to Bring

Spinning® Class Kit: What You Need to Bring

Whether you’re returning to class after a long summer of outdoor training, or gearing up for your first ride, here’s what you need to bring to your next Spinning® session. Spinnin...

Riders11 Tips to Help You Stay Fit This Summer

11 Tips to Help You Stay Fit This Summer

Summer is here! It's time to get outside and enjoy that sun. Whether you're enjoying your outdoor workouts or taking in a relaxing day at the beach, you'll want to look your best. With that in mind...

RidersPedal Power: Wear Cycling Shoes for Spinning® Classes - Spinning

Pedal Power: Wear Cycling Shoes for Spinning® Classes

Wendy Moltrup, MS, CHES Wearing  cycling-specific shoes for Spinning® class promotes efficient movement throughout the whole pedal stroke — it allows you to use the quadriceps and hamstrings ef...

RidersElectrolytes: Boost Your Training and Performance

Electrolytes: Boost Your Training and Performance

By John Cargill, Spinning® Master Instructor | Illinois, United States You may have at least heard of electrolytes, and most serious endurance athletes must monitor their intake in order to av...