Spinning® Blog

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Hip Openers for Cyclists

Hip Openers for Cyclists

Fitness implies flexibility, strength and endurance. While strength and endurance are central components for most athletic training programs, most people neglect flexibility training.Flexibility is...

How to be a Balanced Athlete

It’s easy to become obsessed with goals and tangible results and forget the higher rewards offered by physical exercise. Most exercisers focus on only one dimension of training: increasing their ph...

RidersHow’s Your Breathing?

How’s Your Breathing?

Did you know that breathing is one of the most simple and powerful forms of self-realization? Through control of breathing, we are able to fully engage – or disengage – the mind from our physical p...

RidersBeat the Heat

Beat the Heat

It’s hot out there! Temperatures have definitely risen as we head into the latter half of summer. Knowing the facts on exercising in hot and humid conditions is a must for any exerciser, whether in...

RidersCross Training: Riding Outdoors

Cross Training: Riding Outdoors

Outdoor cross training is an excellent way to develop and maintain cardiovascular and core strength, especially these days when gyms or cycling studios may be off-limits.Road and mountain biking ar...

RidersThe Sun & You

The Sun & You

June, 2022: Summer is here so you may find yourself riding outside more these days – both on the road and in outdoor classes. So, we want to talk sun with you…If taken in moderation, the sun is hea...

RidersHydration 101

Hydration 101

One of the most important fuels you need for Spinning® class is water. Exercising indoors decreases your body's ability to cool itself down through convection (air flowing over the body), which mea...

RidersWhy Women NEED Weight Training

Why Women NEED Weight Training

Again and again, research has shown that women who maintain a regular, moderate strength training program enjoy a long list of health advantages. Some women still fear that weight training might bu...

RidersRise of the Virtual Spinning® Ride

Rise of the Virtual Spinning® Ride

While this time of uncertainty and unrest has likely been challenging for anyone on the planet, we are inspired by our Spinning® Instructors and Master Instructors. Their energy and enthusiasm to f...

Gyms & StudiosGetting Started with Personal Spinning® Threshold (PST)

Getting Started with Personal Spinning® Threshold (PST)

One exceptional metric to track on your Spinner® bike is how much power (in watts) you’re putting out in real-time throughout your ride. Why, you may ask? Power gives you a direct, immediate mea...