Spinning® Blog

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Super Charge Your New Year With This Goal Setting Exercise!

Super Charge Your New Year With This Goal Setting Exercise!

We’re two weeks into the new year, so it’s a good time to set the record straight about the difference between a resolution and an intention. The purpose of a resolution is actually to solve a prob...

InstructorsKudos to YOU, Luciana Marcial-Vincion, on 20 Years with Spinning®!

Kudos to YOU, Luciana Marcial-Vincion, on 20 Years with Spinning®!

On November 14th, 2000, Luciana Marcial-Vincion received a letter that would change the fate of her life as well as that of many others who are now near and dear to her. This letter offered her acc...

InstructorsSpinning® Instructor Matthew Alexander Personalizes COVID

Spinning® Instructor Matthew Alexander Personalizes COVID

COVID has undeniably impacted people around the globe though everyone’s experience has been undoubtedly different. Below Spinning® Instructor Matthew Alexander, who has Autism, recounts his persona...

InstructorsSeason's Greetings from Spinning® Master Instructors Around the Globe!

Season's Greetings from Spinning® Master Instructors Around the Globe!

One silver lining to this tough year is the way in which our international Spinning® family has come together to wish you the very best this holiday season. Featured in this ten-minute video are vi...

InstructorsWhy We Ride

Why We Ride

Whether or not it’s easy for you to find the encouragement and resolve to hop on the bike these days, a little external motivation never hurt. That’s why we bring you these stories from individual ...

InstructorsPilates and the Cyclist - Spinning

Pilates and the Cyclist

If you’re an advocate of Pilates exercise, you may already know how beneficial Pilates can be as a cross-training tool. The exercises increase core strength and stability and provide overall flexib...

InstructorsNatashia Iacovelli – A Soulful Champion’s Tale - Spinning

Natashia Iacovelli – A Soulful Champion’s Tale

A force of nature, Natashia Iacovelli was born to ride. She moved through the world like fireworks – igniting her friends and family with sparks of love and flares of passion along the way. Just ...

InstructorsRemembering a Great Ride – The Life of Charly Dunsmore

Remembering a Great Ride – The Life of Charly Dunsmore

Have you ever met someone who lived up to his own dreams so fully that he created magic for others along the way? That was Charly Dunsmore. We in the Spinning® community are deeply saddened by the...

InstructorsDebunking the Myth of the “Fat Burning” Zone - Spinning

Debunking the Myth of the “Fat Burning” Zone

Are you finding it challenging to maintain a healthy weight these days -- or even lose weight if that’s your goal? Well, it turns out that you might need to approach your weight loss strategy dif...

InstructorsDon’t Let Yourself Off the Hook: Easy Ways to Get and Stay Motivated

Don’t Let Yourself Off the Hook: Easy Ways to Get and Stay Motivated

We may still be in the long slog that is Covid, though it’s really important to keep the fire lit on your goals and dreams. In fact, doing so may even help you get through these tough times with ...