Training Tips
Training Tips
Take your fitness routine to the next level with this dynamic library of training tips. Whether you’re a beginner looking for initial guidance, or an advanced rider training for your next competitive ride, we’ve got you covered!
Keep It Safe (Adobe PDF)
A guide to safety in the Spinning program—why certain movements are contraindicated and others are not. -
Beat The Heat (Adobe PDF)
How to avoid sun-related illnesses and avoid overtraining in the summertime heat.
Bike Setup (Adobe PDF)
A step-by-step guide to proper Spinner® bike setup and safety. -
Core Movements and Hand Positions (Adobe PDF)
A description of the three core hand positions and five movements in the Spinning program. -
Spinning and Heart Rate Monitors (Adobe PDF)
An overview of heart rate training in the context of the Spinning program. -
Target Heart Rate (Adobe PDF)
How to find your target heart rate through heart rate monitoring and other techniques. -
Aerobic Base Building (Adobe PDF)
An overview of the importance of aerobic base building in the context of the Spinning program. -
Sprinting (Adobe PDF)
An advanced Spinning program movement - sprinting. -
Cadence Ranges (Adobe PDF)
An overview of the recommended cadence ranges for simulating different types of terrain in the Spinning program. -
Cadence and Resistance with the Spinning Computer (Adobe PDF)
How the Spinning Computer can help you ride within the right parameters to reach your goals, whether you ride to lose weight, tone up or train for a race.
Beyond the Basics
Goal Setting (Adobe PDF)
An organized approach to setting goals and achieving success. -
High Intensity Training (Adobe PDF)
How to exercise effectively at the upper end or beyond your aerobic training zones. -
Mental Training (Adobe PDF)
Master relaxation, focus and awareness, and flow in your Spinning workouts. -
Music in Your Spinning Class (Adobe PDF)
Use motivational workout songs to inspire and power-up your Spinning classes. -
Hill Climbing in Spinning Classes (Adobe PDF)
Simulating hills helps to develop cardiovascular strength and muscular power while overcoming resistance. -
Loops and Ladders (Adobe PDF)
Two creative profile themes for your Spinning rides.
Energy Zones
Energy Zone™ Heart Rate Chart (Adobe PDF)
Use this chart to accurately identify what Energy Zone™ you're training in and what adjustments you need to make to reach your goals efficiently. -
Endurance Energy Zone™ (Adobe PDF)
One of the five Spinning program Energy Zones, Endurance is designed to help students build a strong aerobic base. -
Interval Energy Zone™ (Adobe PDF)
One of the five Spinning program Energy Zones, Interval focuses on anaerobic training. -
Race Day Energy Zone™ (Adobe PDF)
One of the five Spinning program Energy Zones, Race Day simulates an intense "race" environment, allowing students to monitor training and gauge improvements in fitness. -
Recovery Energy Zone™ (Adobe PDF)
One of the five Spinning program Energy Zones, Recovery allows students to experience "active" recovery in the context of a periodization schedule. -
Strength Energy Zone™ (Adobe PDF)
One of the five Spinning program Energy Zones, Strength uses low cadence and high resistance (climbing) to build muscular strength and endurance.
Hydration (Adobe PDF)
A guide to staying properly hydrated for health and fitness. -
Nutrition (Adobe PDF)
General nutrition suggestions for improved overall health and fitness. -
Energy Shortages (Adobe PDF)
A handout that explores some of the factors (diet, hydration, overtraining, poor sleep) that can lead to low energy.
Find the Perfect Cycling Shoes & Cleats
How to pick cycling shoes for the Spinning program.
Weight Loss
Weight Loss Tips (Adobe PDF)
A few tips for taking losing weight and keeping it off. -
Staying Motivated (Adobe PDF)
How to stay motivated to stick to a fitness routine. -
Avoid the "Holiday 10" (Adobe PDF)
How to avoid holiday weight gain.
Cross-Training and Stretching
Outdoor Cross Training (Adobe PDF)
How to use cross training to bust through fitness plateaus, boredom, overtraining and more. -
Pilates for the Spinning Program (Adobe PDF)
Highlights several Pilates movements to help cycling-enthusiasts increase flexibility and strength. -
Spinning® and Core Training (Adobe PDF)
A new class format, SPIN® Core combines core training with Spinning program classes for a balanced strength and cardio routine. -
Stretching (Adobe PDF)
The importance of incorporating stretching into a Spinning program training schedule. -
Hip Openers for Cyclists (Adobe PDF)
Instructions for several yoga poses that may help cyclists increase flexibility, particularly in the hip area. -
Yoga SPIN (Adobe PDF)
Blend two of today's most popular fitness activities, Yoga and Spinning, into one fluid and beneficial workout. -
SPIN Flex (Adobe PDF)
This is the answer for Spinning enthusiasts who want a complete total body workout.
Special Populations
Spinning and Your Pregnancy (Adobe PDF)
Q&A on participating in Spinning program classes during pregnancy. -
Postpartum Return to Spinning (Adobe PDF)
A guide to returning to the Spinning program after pregnancy, along with a safety Q&A. -
Knee Osteoarthritis in the Spinning Program (Adobe PDF)
A study confirms that the Spinning program can make your knee joints stronger, especially for those with osteoarthritis of the knee. -
Spinning for Kids (Adobe PDF)
A review of the guidelines for teaching Spinning for Kids.
Escalada en Colina en las Clases de Spinning® (Adobe PDF)
En las clases de Spinning, nosotros ponemos la resistencia en la bicicleta para simular la escala en colina. Este tipo de instrucción desarrolla la fuerza cardiovascular y la potencia muscular aumentando la habilidad de los músculos para girar las manivelas mientras se vence la resistencia. -
Cadencia y Resistencia (Adobe PDF)
Pedalear más rápido de RPM a menudo causa que los participantes reboten en el asiento. -
Contraindicaciones para el Programa de Spinning® (Adobe PDF)
Sin embargo, esto es porque los triatletas tienen equipos personalizados donde pueden colocarse en esta posición cómodamente. Sobre la Spinner®, esta posición hyperflexionada puede dañar la espalda y puede ser incomoda, particularmente para personas de baja estatura. -
Spinning® y los Monitores de Frecuencia Cardíaca (Adobe PDF)
¿Por qué usar un monitor de frecuencia cardíaca? -
El Entrenamiento Mental y el Programa de Spinning® (Adobe PDF)
El componente mental afecta directamente al potencial y habilidad física que uno tiene para poder concretar las labores de esfuerzo físico.